Friday, April 16, 2010

The 3 P’s of Personal Branding: Personality, Purpose & Passion!

By Kelly Green
I have been working feverishly the last few weeks preparing for my upcoming Personal Brand Blueprint workshop at the Shepherd Center in Atlanta, GA. While I’m very excited to be doing this, I’m also a bit nervous. Like most coaches and consultants who create their own content, I’m second guessing my programs. Am I giving enough information? Too much information? Will the audience find the subject useful? My friend Lisa Angelettie says that I suffer from ”analysis paralysis”! That’s when you over- analyze something so much, to the point where you don’t move for fear of making a mistake. (I admit, I do!) But instead of trying to reinvent the wheel, I need to take a page from my own program and trust my Personal Brand.

The problem many of us run into is that when we over analyze ourselves, we expend a lot of unnecessary energy. Instead, we need to have faith in the process and believe that we already have the tools we need to move forward. So now, to prepare myself for the workshop, I am looking at my own Personal Brand Blueprint and following my three P’s of Personal Branding: personality, purpose and passion.

Whether you’re a coach, nurse, grad student or a stay-at-home mom, the most important ingredient of Personal Branding is to believe in your own product or service (otherwise known as yourself). If you don’t, how do you expect others to?!

The first step (which a lot of times gets overlooked when you’re trying to make an impression) is Personality.

In whatever you do, always bring your true personality to the table. Your personality is an authentic verification of who you are; it can not be questioned. By putting your personality into everything you do, your messages will remain consistent. Remember, most purchases, whether for a product or service, are made based on emotion. When your target audience connects with your personality, they are more likely to buy into what you are selling or at least become a follower.

Next, it’s important to have a Purpose for what you do.

That may sound obvious, but most of us go through our daily lives operating on what’s comfortable and familiar – leaving us feeling unhappy and unfulfilled. Instead we should be doing with intention. Set your intentions to have a more fulfilling life and live with a purpose. Once you’ve determined to do that, you plant in the minds of others exactly who you are, what you do best and how you can best benefit them.
Living with purpose also attracts like opportunities into your life. What do you want for your life? What do you want to be known for? How do you want to show up? By asking yourself these and other self-assessment questions, you begin to define your purpose and live a more authentic life.

And the last “P” of Personal Branding (and I think the most important) is Passion.

You MUST be passionate about your product or you will have a hard time conveying your message to anyone. Many people, me included, try to cast a wide net and see what we can catch. We throw it all out there and hope that one thing we say will land on at least one person. Not only are the chances of that happening very slim (I’ve since learned!) , but that one person is probably not your target. And that’s okay. It’s okay to not be all things to all people. Wouldn’t you rather have a client/ customer who’s looking for exactly what you’re offering?? That way you both benefit from the relationship.

Focusing on your passion(s), the content (message) should flow easily and you establish yourself as the expert. Try combining something you’re passionate about with your skill set and turn that into a career. Are you passionate about health and wellness and have a background in teaching? Why not become a health and wellness coach and develop instructional materials for clients and other coaches? Just an idea!

Remember, there are many facets to the Personal Branding process. The good news is we already have all the tools we need in our toolbox!

Happy Branding!
About The Personal Brand Blueprint
The Personal Brand Blueprint was created to instruct people, regardless of where they are in their lives t0 define, distinguish and deliver their Personal Brand in the most authentic, holistic way!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Oh No, NOT The Veggie Burgers!!!

I loooooove veggie burgers and now I am going to be forced to launch a fullscale investigation. Found this article on
Some veggie burgers found to contain harmful substance, hexane, used to process soy.

BY Tracy Miller

Think you're being healthy by choosing a veggie burger instead of red meat? Think again.
In an effort to make their products as low-fat as possible, many veggie burger manufacturers are turning to a potentially harmful chemical, according to an investigation by the non-profit Cornucopia Institute.

Most non-organic veggie burgers contain hexane, a neurotoxin that's also a petroleum by-product of gasoline refining. Hexane is listed as a hazardous air pollutant with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), according to the report, which called hexane the "dirty little secret of the 'natural' soy foods industry."

To keep down the fat content of energy bars, veggie burgers and other products, food manufacturers submerge soybeans in a bath of hexane to separate them into soy oil, protein and fiber.

Products labeled "organic" aren't allowed to contain any hexane - but foods that are less than 100% organic, such as those labeled "made with organic ingredients," may contain the chemical.
Veggie burgers that are likely to contain hexane-extracted soy ingredients, according to the research, include popular brands such as Amy's Kitchen, Boca Burger (conventional), Garden Burger and Morningstar Farms, along with others.
Boca Burger and Morningstar burgers labeled "made with organic soy" are not produced using hexane.

The full list of veggie burger and nutrition bar brands researched can be found on page 37-38 of the report. Click here to read.

Read more:

Why Laughing Is Good For Your Well Being

From Ladies Who Launch

The power of laughing as a catalyst for happy thoughts is not a best kept secret, but if you’re like me, laughter can get lost in day to day pressures.

In his book, Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff, Richard Carlson tells us “not to sweat the small stuff” and then “it’s all small stuff.” The truth is, we can only laugh when we lighten our mindset, stop taking ourselves too seriously and come to terms with the fact that “our work is never done”, “our lists are never complete” and “our problems are never solved.”

If we make room for a lighter way of thinking, we clear the space for a few laughs, allowing humor to surface naturally. If you’re having trouble doing this, try doing the inverse. Here’s how: Just start smiling, then start laughing. Acting “as if” is a great way to open up the possibilities. Experts say that even a fake smile can impact your thoughts positively. I’d like to suggest that we integrate smiling, laughter and humor into our daily lives as much as possible. Perhaps this effort will raise the collective consciousness towards higher levels of well being, resulting in ongoing positive shifts for us all.

Ladies Who Launch is the first new media company to provide resources and connections for women entrepreneurs.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

My Sprinkles Are The Best!

I love my SPIRNKLES!

One of my favorite SPRINKLES, Donna Jackson, stopped by my office today to drop off 3 of her fantastic hand crafted necklaces! No special occasion, just because. I couldn't stop smiling and was reminded why I appreciate my friends so much. They are the perfect topping to any cake.

As you go through your day to day don't forget your friends and loved ones. You never know how a call or a "thinking of you" email or card can brighten someone's day.
Believe it or not the best time to do this is when YOU are having a bad day. It allows you to shift the negative energy away from yourself. Be prepared to accept the love that will come back to you from this random act of kindness. It really is the best.
BTW, these lovely handcrafted necklaces are $7 and are the perfect gift. They certainly made my day. :-)

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Difference between Allopathic and Holistic Medicine

By: Mercedes Aspland

You may hear various difference terms when looking at treatments for your conditions. Two of the most common forms of treatment are allopathic and holistic medicine. In this article we will consider what each of these types of medicines are, where you will hear them mentioned and also what the significant differences between them are.

What is Allopathic Medicine?
Allopathic medicine is a term that is used to describe medical practice where a condition is treated with a medication that is designed to kill the illness. This may sound very familiar to you and it is largely because most of conventional medicine is effectively allopathic. You doctor will not tell you he is using allopathic medicine however that is what he is doing. You are more likely to hear the term when you visit a homeopath and that is largely because the differences are marked. In homeopathic medicine you will be given a substance that contains similar elements to your condition rather than those picked to kill it.

What is Holistic Medicine?
Holistic medicine is again quite a general term but it is a form of therapy that treats the person as a whole. Many alternative therapies are thought to be holistic. The aim with holistic medicine is to treat the mind, body, emotions and all elements of a person in order to bring about health. For example in a treatment like acupuncture the therapist will consider you, your background, how you react to things and your symptoms. This will allow them to develop a treatment plan that is specific to you, including your emotional, mental and physical needs. When looking into alternative therapies you will hear this term mentioned a lot of the time and so it is important to be aware what it is.

What is the difference between Allopathic and Holistic Medicine?
The main difference between allopathic and holistic medicine is the way in which treatment is approached. For example in allopathic medicine the aim is to treat the condition and to prescribe things to help you get rid of it. In holistic medicine although the aim is to also clear up a condition the focus is different. In allopathic medicine a doctor will focus on the condition only however holistic medicine will focus on the person, how that person reacts to that condition as well as their history.It is worth mention that both of these terms are very broad and cover a large number of different therapies and treatments but that the general principles are the same based on which type of medicine it is. In addition if your doctor is prescribing allopathic medicine for you then it may be possible to use holistic medicine alongside this so that you can get the maximum benefits for you and your condition.

As you can see from the above, the concepts of allopathic and holistic medicine are quite different. It does not mean that one is better than another just that the focus is different. If you are looking for treatment it is important to make an informed judgement on what you are going for and to discuss with as many professionals as possible. It is also important to find a reputable therapist to ensure you get the best possible treatment

Author's Bio This article has been supplied by alternative therapies directory. You can also find more information on our Holistic Medicine page.

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