Monday, October 25, 2010

Greetings Cake Everyday Friends!

Last week Kelly Green sent out an email to look out for the Cake Everyday Coaching Series -

Well it's finally here!

Join us for our free teleseminar on November 4th at 8:00 p.m. to get all the information you need about this exciting new program! (And an interview with author/ coach Raychelle Leblanc!)

Are you ready to make some powerful changes in your life?

In your career?

In your relationships?

Are you ready to transform your fears into success?

Are you ready to overcome those self-limiting beliefs keeping you from greatness?

Are you ready get unstuck and get your brilliance (and your Personal Brand) out into the world?

If you answered YES to any of these questions, sign up NOW to join Kelly & Raychelle and find out how you can be a part of this transformational experience!

For additional info and the call-in # email us at:

Until next time, CELEBRATE!!!!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Celebrating Wellness!

So many great things are manifesting!

It's official, I am an Arbonne consultant. :-) I am extremely excited about this. Although sales is not a new arena for me, products such as these are. This company is about a lifestyle. It is about wellness, health and beauty from the inside out! The products are clean, contain no toxins, botanical based and VEGAN certified. I can absolutely get with the program.

My experience has been; the more people are aware of what goes into their bodies, they become more aware about what they put on their skin. As a coach, I am in constant dialogue about manifesting change and creating action items to get from point A to B. Arbonne has become a HUGE part of the conversation not only for my clients but for myself.

Since I want my friends to join me in my journey for optimum health and beauty I have decided to invite them to a cleanse with me. :-) Many have come on board and we are all looking forward to feeling lighter and healthier. It is not to late to join us.

See link below:

Even if you are not interested in the cleanse feel free to look around the site. There is truly something for everyone in wellness :-)

And here is the general link for the Holiday season. Start early. :-)

For order forms or any questions please feel free to contact me at

Be well!


Thursday, October 7, 2010

I Am Excited All Over Again. What A Call!

I just finished wrapping up the call with Sophfronia Scott as she discussed how to co-author your way to a bestseller. On the call she discussed the best path to becoming a published author in this economy and the benefits of contributing to an anthology.

As a co-author of the last anthology I was able to share some of the benefits of MY contributing and I must say I was excited all over again.

The 3 biggest points that I shared on the call were:

- Being a co-author has allowed me to share my story.
- It has positioned me as an expert
- It has catapulted me into what is next in my coaching career.

I am so grateful that Sophfronia has decided to continue the Fierce theme and is inviting authors to participate in the new anthology, "How the Fierce Put Family First". PERFECT for speakers, coaches, small business owners and entrepreneurs.

There isn't alot of space left so please see this link for details:

The journey as a published author has been truly amazing. I have had the most wonderful opportunities to connect with people and discovered that my story is not mine alone. The conversations have been ones of healing and self discovery. What can be better than that? :-)

For more information about Sophfronia go to:
For those of you that are free this evening, here is a call that you do not want to miss!

Sophfronia Scott is brilliant and on this call she shares with us how to receive all of the benefits of being published with doing just half of the work.

We all know that hard work is important but we must rememember to work smart as well. Why not take advantage of an opportunity that can catipult you ahead of your business goals and objectives for 2011? Join us, you will not regret it. :-)



We're more than halfway through 2010 and I have a question for you. Are you on track to reach your goals for this year? Was getting published one of your goals?

If so, then you might be coming to the realization that a good chunk of the year is gone and you are no closer to having a book in your hands. You might even be thinking that you don't have enough material to do a book on your own.
Or maybe you have other obstacles in your way. You're still wondering when you're going to have the time--not to mention the money--to write, publish and market a book to help your business. You have so much else to do: client work, family responsibilities, travel, etc.

Well, maybe you should leave this goal for another year: 2011. But don't beat yourself up about it. If you're really committed to getting published next year, I'll let you in on a little secret: you can take the shortcut!
I'll give you all the details if you'll join me THURSDAY, OCTOBER 7 for a fun and FREE teleseminar:
"Co-Authoring Your Way to a Bestselling Book: The Secrets to Gaining All the Benefits of Being a Published Expert with Just a Fraction of the Work"
On this 60-minute call, you'll discover:
* the missing piece that makes all the difference between your achieving expert status versus being an unknown with a bunch of unused books stacked up in your garage
* the biggest mistake made in most anthology projects that, if avoided, can allow you to have a book you'll be proud to display on your website and at your speaking engagements
* the 4 indisputable reasons why co-authoring would be the most cost-effective way to promote your business and get a book to your name
* the secret to developing a magnetic topic that will make your project a "most wanted" book
* how you can secure your place in a new book I'm co-authoring with top bestselling entrepreneurs that will hit bookshelves in 2011.
You can sign up and get all the details right here.
In this economy it's easy to believe that certain high-level, high-return marketing strategies such as publishing a book are beyond your reach--but think again! All great roads have a shortcut and co-authoring a bestseller instead of trying to go it alone could be the route for you.

Please join me and see!
Best Wishes,

Sophfronia Scott

Executive Editor